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How to post a picture

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:12 am
by Frank Murch
How to post pictures

It is sometimes confusing to know how to use software different than what you may be familiar with. This is simple enough, but you need to know where the buttons are.

First – to post a picture, you need to start a topic. This is done with a button called “NEWTOPIC*” on the upper left side. It looks like this
addpic1.jpg (30.55 KiB) Viewed 7216 times
Now you can write what you want to.

The “trick” to post a picture in this text (on top, inside or below) is…… scrow to the bottom of the page and look at the lower left for the blue tab labled “Upload Attachment”. People miss this because it is at the bottom – out of sight. You need to scroll down to see it. Click on this tab and you will see this

addpic2.jpg (29.24 KiB) Viewed 7216 times
A new button appears called “Choose File”. Click this and you are lead through a series of navagation to find your file
addpic3.jpg (25.25 KiB) Viewed 7216 times
Pictures: jpg formated files are perfered. A smaller size may be required. A width of 800 pixels is ideal. Larger is possible, but the screen width of most viewers in 800 pixels. Bigger files are hard to upload, and small pictures will not fill the screen. There are a number of graphics programs where file formats and sizes can be changed. One common problem is a good digital camera is used and produces a photo with 4000 to 5000 pixel widths. That is a great picture, but it is too large for the forum.

So you “Choose File” by pressing this button
addpic5.jpg (11.53 KiB) Viewed 7216 times

Then you need to “Add the file” by clicking this button. At this point the screen changes – it jumps and people get confused. If you scroll back down, you will see this. The location of the curse is now very important. If you scroll back up, and place the curse where you want the picture, then click on “Place inline” a small piece of text appears.
addpic8.jpg (46.02 KiB) Viewed 7216 times
The text looks something like this. "attachment=0]yourfilename.jpg[/attachment" - in brackets
addpic9.jpg (51.12 KiB) Viewed 7216 times
Press the “Submit” buttom (Bottom right) and you got it!!!

You can also repeat the process adding picture after picture and then submit, or “Preview”. This is clunky, but it is the way to add pictures.
