Early Speciality Screw Drivers
Spark Testing Screw Drivers
Spark Testing Screw Drivers
Pyralin handles, has an internal tube that flashes when spark plugs are powered
No 145 6 inch 1936 – 1955
No 1011 2 inch Blade Magnetic 1948 – 1960
No 1015 3 inch 1936 – 1960
Radiator Shell Screw Driver
Radiator Shell Screw Driver
An extremely long slender bladed screw driver for radiator shell work, electrical work where a long reach is required
ST-1535 15 inch long 1936- 1937
Miscellaneous Stubby screw drivers
Miscellaneous screw drivers
Starting is 1936 there are listed a number of miscellaneous screw drivers. These are largely popular sizes from obsolete sets and covered elsewhere, with the exception of these.
No 153 Wooden Stubby 1936 – 1937
No 154 “Pyralin” Stubby 1936 – 1937
Flashlight Screw Driver
Flashlight Screw Driver
For dark, inaccessible corners, Good for radio, carburetor, refrigeration etc. Uses a No 915 Ever-Ready battery. Pyralin handle
Robertson Tip Screw Drivers
Robertson Tip Screw Drivers
This is the Robertson (Square head) socket Screws
R141 1965
R102P 1965
R103P 1965