General Use Pliers Number 30 series 130 series

General Use Pliers Number 137

These started in 1926 and have a wire cutter and pliers. These are the bread and butter of the pliers’ world. This is basically unchanged from 1926.  The minor variations are

No 137            General Use Pliers (cutters)   1926 –through 1970. In the 1926 Catalog the drawing clearly shows the Forged Steel Products Company Logo (the OEM source) through 1937. In 1941 the picture changed (unclear if this was a redo of the tool or not). Nickle finished

No 137A General Use Pliers (cutters) like 137, but with bow handles and Vacuum Grip introduced in 1962 and appeared in the catalog for one year only

No 137B General Use Pliers (cutters) are the same as the 137 with a black oxide finish 1955 – 1960

No 137C General Use Pliers with wire cutters like 137, but with smooth bow handles. This is the end of the vacuum grip handles 1962 – through 1970

Pliers Snap On General Pliers 137

General Use Pliers Number 35 36 37

General Use Pliers 35 series

These are the same 137, but with bowed handles. These are an adjustable joint plers with a wire cutter.

No 34 General Use Pliers 4 ½ inch 1935 -1953
No 35 General Use Pliers 5 inches 1929 -1953
No 36 General Use Pliers 6 inches 1929 -1953

Pliers Snap On number 35